Monday, February 26, 2007

Rep. Peterson gets a wake-up call, then punches the snooze button.

When the House recently passed legislation to cut down on the (supposedly) ethically questionable use of private jets, Collin Peterson (D-MN) got caught up in the rule of ‘unintended consequences.’ Suddenly the ethics committee has him in a Catch-22, unable to use his own airplane, a single prop Beech Bonanza.

The kicker is this quote: "They didn't know anything about airplanes, the people who were writing this, and they didn't talk to me."

Seems kind of normative for how Congress works, including his own record. After all, he voted for the Iraq ‘anti-surge’ legislation without apparently knowing much about how the enemy works.

Good to see you blogging again.

I noticed that ol' Collin threatened to quit if he couldn't use his plane.

What I want to know, is why he can't use his plane; or is it that he just is mad because he can't pass the upkeep on to the taxpayers.
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